Bitumen 85/100

India bitumen penetration grade 85-100 is semi hard penetration grade bitumen used as paving grade bitumen. It is suitable for road construction and repair. It is also used for the production of asphalt pavements. Below you will find its technical specification. This grade of bitumen is mainly used in the manufacturing of hot mix asphalt […]

Bitumen Vg10

VG-10 is mostly used in spraying applications such as surface dressing and Paving in very cold climate instead of 80/100 penetration bitumen grade. It is also used to produce Bitumen Emulsion and Modified Bitumen products.

Bitumen Vg40

India bitumen penetration grade 40 is semi hard penetration grade bitumen using as paving grade bitumen suitable for road construction and repair also for the production of asphalt pavements with below technical specification. This grade of bitumen is mainly used in the manufacture of hot mix asphalt for bases and wearing courses. Bitumen 40 is […]

Bitumen Vg30

VG 30 bitumen is a popular grade of bitumen in India. Indian importers prefer this type of bitumen because its performance in Indian road construction is proved. VG 30 grade bitumen is also used for plastic roads in India. Because of having good thermal susceptibility, we use VG30 in areas that have a higher temperature. […]

Bitumen 60/70

India bitumen penetration grade 60/70 is semi hard penetration grade bitumen used as a paving grade bitumen which is suitable for road construction and repair. It is also used for the production of asphalt pavements with the below technical specification. This grade of bitumen is mainly used in the manufacturing of hot mix asphalt for […]